Well here we are close to the end of summer and we are still under lockdown and still quarantined. How have I been handling it? I don’t know for sure. Some days like today, I feel almost normal. Other days, not so well. Motivation alludes me most days. I haven’t set out on a new writing project as yet. There are several possibilities that I am exploring. But nothing concrete has tweaked my creative interest, including turning some of my books into audiobooks.
For exercise, Anita and I have been walking and hiking—not so much hiking in the current heat we are having here in Santa Fe. One day a week, we have YouTube yoga classes we participate in. How have you been handling your days? Care to share some of your insights or thoughts? Just email me at books@bobpuglisi.com or comment in response to this blog.
As many of you probably know, I released my 4th novel, THE HANALEI HOUSE, and it’s my 5th book. I’m sure the pandemic affected sales. Initial they were good, but have tapered off significantly. I’m trying to offset that by advertising on Amazon. The jury is still out on that one. Please let me know if you have seen any Amazon ads for my books. A big thank you goes out to all of you who have bought, read and/or posted a review of the book on Amazon. If you haven’t already done so, please post a review of my book on Amazon. But you have to have an Amazon account to write a review.
In the past, personal appearances in which I read from my books and signed copies were an excellent way to meet my readers and promote my books. Libraries and bookstores are mostly closed. However, I did do a radio interview here in Santa Fe on the Richard Eeds Show. You can check it out at my website bobpuglisi.com.
I have another radio interview scheduled for the Tracey Schavone Show, August 19th at 1 p.m. (Hawaii time) on community radio station KKCR in Hanalei, Kauai. Here’s a link to the radio station https://www.kkcr.org/onair/ (If you are not familiar with that time zone, it is 3 hours earlier than our West Coast, 4 hours earlier for Mountain Time, 5 hours for Central Time, and 6 hours East Coast Time e.g., if you want to listen to the show on the East Coast, it would be on at 7 p.m.) They don’t archive or podcast interviews for the show, but they will be sending me a copy of the interview that I will either put on my website or send you a copy (if you like). No, I’m not going to be in Kauai for the interview, wish I could be. It will be a telephone interview.
Another event I have coming up is with my dear friends at the Crested Butte Public Library where I worked for close to 16 years. Their Books & Bars Book Club will be reading THE HANALEI HOUSE. I will join their discussion via Zoom on September 11th. Thank you librarian Maria Fenerty for making this possible.

The Crested Butte Public Library aka, The Old Rock Library.
THE HANALEI HOUSE is a great book club read. It’s a fun story with surprises, twists and turns, and engaging characters. A good read to escape mentally from the troubles of the world. You will find group Discussion Questions at the rear of the book. So lay back, relax, raise a mai-tai to your lips, and enjoy the read. You can check it out at my website
Until my next blog, stay smart and stay safe!